Trout Fishery

24th May Fishery restocked for the bank holiday weekend

Contact Details: Fishery Manager - Andy Farnell 07970 844094

The Trout Fishery is by the walled garden, a short walk from the Hall, with fine views of the surrounding countryside towards Ludlow. The facilities are superb, suitable for any angler of any age, and regularly stocked with large, hard fighting rainbow and brown trout. The Fishery is reached by a private road about half a mile south of Diddlebury village and is well signed from the B4368 about 5 miles east of Craven Arms and 14 miles west of Bridgnorth. 

There is a hard car park close to the water, a fisherman's pavilion with microwave, w.c. and refreshments. Picnic facilities are available and the layout of the fishery is convenient for disabled fishermen.There are 2 lakes. Garden Lake and Corve Lake. Garden Lake is two and a half acres with two small islands an Corve Lake, the larger at over three acres, has one large island. The lakes are spring fed from the Diddle, a small stream which runs into the river Corve and, in dey summers, the water supply is supplemented by a borehole. The lakes are regularly stocked with hard fighting rainbow trout from 1½lbs to double figures, with an average fish weight of about 2½ lbs. Brown trout must always be returned to the water.

Ticket Prices

Each ticket includes a certain number of fish in the price. When you have caught your limit, you may continue to fish 'Catch and Release' until your ticket expires or pay for the extra fish over your limit at £3 per lb.

Time Ticket Prices Fish Included in Ticket Price* Opening Times
Any 5 hours or less £20 1 The fishery opens at 7.30am and closes at dusk.
Full Day £30 2 The fishery opens at 7.30am and closes at dusk.

*The inclusive price includes fish up to 4lbs in weight - any fish over this weight must be returned or paid for in full at £3 per lb.

Booking and Fishing Information

It is not usually necessary to book. If you go to the pavilion, there are full instructions on payment and the fishery rules. If you would like information on how the lakes are fishing, call Fishery Manager Andy Farnell on 07970 844094. Andy can also arrange Corporate days.

Fishery Rules

Every fishery has to have rules to preserve the atmosphere and environment for the enjoyment of the vast majority of fly fishing enthusiasts. If these rules seem harsh, please remember that they have been written with the interests of the sporting angler in mind.

Catch and Release

Fish caught and not killed should be carefully returned to the water in the following manner:
- Try to remove the hook without touching the fish and without taking it out of the water.
- Otherwise, touching the fish as little as possible, remove the hook and lower the fish into the water.
-If necessary, hold the fish right way up, underwater, for a while until it has recovered and then release.

Catch Record Sheet

On arrival, you will be given a catch record sheet. This must be completed, even for nil returns. and handed in on your departure, to enable us to maintain an accurate catch record for stocking purposes and for inspection by other fishermen. Please also fill in the game book.


  • Injured or damaged fish must be killed and paid for
  • One fly only, single hook, maximum size 8
  • Casts must have a breaking strain of at least 5lbs
  • No wading
  • Every angler must have an adequate landing net
  • No guns, dogs or radios
  • Children must be over 10 years and accompanied by an adult
  • Tackle, catches & belongings may be examined at any time
  • No rod sharing, unless with prior permission
  • Please put litter in the bins provided, obey the signs, not ot interfere with wildlife or vegetation and report any breach of the rules to the fishery manager.
  • NRA annual or day licence is required
  • Persons visiting the fishery do so at their own risk and the owner takes no responsibility for any damage, accident, or injury of whatsoever kind or nature which may result,or for loss or damage to their own or other people's property.